Thursday, March 12, 2009


God, I almost crazy by twin sibling fight of 5 years old twin boys. It seems like nothing that deserves enough things to share and play together. I wonder why it happens all the times. So, I looked for the reference to handle the problem I have. Here are the solutions I found from the book named Getting through to Your Kids by Susan Galant and Mitch gallant Ph. D.
As children grew, they may become locked into contest in which they constantly compete with each other, jockeying for position as they favored child in the family. They may provoke arguments just to see who sides you take. They may tattle and overreact to discredit their siblings. The closer in age, the more rivalrous the relationship. Maybe it can be complicated if your kids are twins. Here are some advices to handle the fight.
1. Don’t take sides. You’ll only make things worse
2. Stop the action. Get your youngster’s attention by yelling, “stop”. Don’t make weak statements like “I don’t want you to fight, OK?” Make sure that you are in charge here.
3. Leave the room. When you exit, you give your kids the space to resolve their conflict without you as their audience.
4. Call for a time out. You can’t suggest, “You’ll have to spend fives minutes apart. And then separate them into different room
5. Sends your kids into neutral and boring territory. Remember that you have to put them both, because if you don’t, it will make the other feel treat unequally.
6. Avoid treating your children identically. It doesn’t mean that you have to make the same response to different age’s kids.
7. Don’t compare your children with each other. Teach your youngsters that each of them has special gifts and talents. Let them compare their current performance with their past performances, not with those of their siblings.
8. Help your children understand what their siblings are experiencing. Youngster’s empathy toward each other can be enhanced by encouraging them to explore how their sibling’s are felling. You cant explain to your younger daughter why her prepubescent big brother has suddenly lost interesting playing with her
9. Use praise. Make sure to show your youngster your deep pleasure when they get along with each other.
Well, I hope this article is useful to you all to take care of the never ending sibling fight.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Let’s Back to Batik

Yesterday, I have a time to hanging around the mall at Lippo karawaci, Tangerang. It’s been so amazing looking at the dress that’s trend in fashion world on the retail shop. There’s a Batik here, There’s a batik there and batik again all over the Mall. Well its make me proud enough because nowadays people have already forgot about that beautiful culture heritage who already dipatenkan by Malaysia. One step behind and feel so cheated.
Batik is one of Java's famous and highly developed art traditions, batik is an important industry in many production centers in Java. It is a proof that the people of Java do love the products, long time ago created by their ancestors. Batik designed materials are clearly seen as women traditional dresses, shirts, sarongs, bags, hats, table-cloths, napkins, painting and decorative items, etc, with traditional color of brown, call sogan, indigo and blue or more colorful ones.
The tourist who visits Indonesia adore of this beautiful motif product. The motifs of Batik, especially with old pattern, as in other field of Javanese tradition are symbolizing something. Some of the motifs are :
1. Sido Mulyo :
Symbolizing 'you should be happy and rich man'.
2. Sido Dadi :
Symbolizing 'you should be a man/woman as you
3. Satrio Wibowo :
Symbolizing 'Man with dignity'.
4. Tikel Asmorodono :
It is meant the one who wears this batik, should be loved more and more by others.
5. Sidomukti, symbolizing a happiness and prosperous life. Using the same motif symbolizing the togetherness. In a wedding ceremony the bride and the bridegroom wear the same motif of batik
6. Truntum, symbolizing the advice of the parents to the newly weds to enter the new life with full of love and confidence.
Although the motif that now in the marketplace are not the old motif but at least we still love our country’s production of batik. Maybe this is the way of the cloth designer to celebrate the national awakening of Indonesia. Long Live Indonesia.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


The program followed by 600 teachers who come from all over Indonesia. I’m so excited to have a chance to participate and join them to have a discussion about education generally and about The comparation study of education an Indonesia and Malaysia. The keynotes speakers are : The National Minister of Education (Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo), Dr. jamil Ahmad from University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Noorlia Goolamally from Open University Malaysia, Mr. Syafik Umar (General manager Of Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper), and of course some others education expert from STKIP Pasundan College, Bandung. They are : Drs. H. Edi Komarudin, M.M., Dr. H. Endang Komara, Drs., M. Si., H. Khaerul Syobar, SE., M.M., Diky Komarudin, SE., M.M., Rony Muhamad Rizal, ST., M. Si.
The most interesting is about how we’re teachers in Indonesia feel lucky to have a chance to talk to the Minister of Education directly. Most of us are complained about the Public Policy of The Teachers Sertification. About its selection, its compensation and some other things who had a connection with the wealthy stuffs. Not forget to talk about The National Examination for student that really really makes us so confuse and don’t know what to do. But The Minister, as usual can not make us satisfied because of the special way of bureaucrat answering public question. But it’s OK. That’s just the way they are.
Bravo to the committee who had really successful in building the program. They are the students of STKIP Pasundan. Well Young generation, the country is waiting……..

Monday, June 2, 2008

OOOhhh, Not AGAIN….

PayPerPost is unable to approve my blog again. It’s because that the hosting doesn’t allow paid blog in their term and condition. Maybe that’s just my fault. I don’t give any attention too much in reading all about the Wordpress. But, I’m not giving up. I have my six days old blogspot again for my English blog. I just can’t wait until its 30 days old so I can try to register my blog again to payperpost. I do optimize that they will approve my http:/ Well, at least I hope so.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Whatever antivirus they we use, even we’re always update for the newest version, virus will always be there. One maybe collapse but thousands will attack your PC immediately. So, beware.
Maybe these tips will be useful to stay away from that “digital creature”:
1. Always update the antivirus you use, at least once a week. If you’re online, remember to activate the auto update of the antivirus
2. Non activate the auto run facility in your PC so the CD-ROM or flask disk that connects to the PC doesn’t run the file inside them. The auto run program can be use to detect if there is a virus when starts windows
3. Display all file windows extension including system windows (in windows explorer, open the tools

In our work life there’s always something we adore off or something that makes us get really bored. There’s always someone so kind and so bad. The second is the truth that I have to face in my workplace right now. I told you all of this as objective as I can be. It seems that we lost our tied as a friend. Everybody look at others with full of prejudice eyes. From fourty teacher in my school, half of them have a bad side that influenced the atmosphere. Do you think that I’m exaggerate if most of them do these things
1. Frequently come so late to school
2. To much missing the class and neglecting the students
3. Leave the class before the times
4. Don’t care of the school programs
5. There is no ashamed asking some financial stuffs
6. No action talk only

They give nothing but ask too many things