Thursday, June 5, 2008


The program followed by 600 teachers who come from all over Indonesia. I’m so excited to have a chance to participate and join them to have a discussion about education generally and about The comparation study of education an Indonesia and Malaysia. The keynotes speakers are : The National Minister of Education (Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo), Dr. jamil Ahmad from University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Noorlia Goolamally from Open University Malaysia, Mr. Syafik Umar (General manager Of Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper), and of course some others education expert from STKIP Pasundan College, Bandung. They are : Drs. H. Edi Komarudin, M.M., Dr. H. Endang Komara, Drs., M. Si., H. Khaerul Syobar, SE., M.M., Diky Komarudin, SE., M.M., Rony Muhamad Rizal, ST., M. Si.
The most interesting is about how we’re teachers in Indonesia feel lucky to have a chance to talk to the Minister of Education directly. Most of us are complained about the Public Policy of The Teachers Sertification. About its selection, its compensation and some other things who had a connection with the wealthy stuffs. Not forget to talk about The National Examination for student that really really makes us so confuse and don’t know what to do. But The Minister, as usual can not make us satisfied because of the special way of bureaucrat answering public question. But it’s OK. That’s just the way they are.
Bravo to the committee who had really successful in building the program. They are the students of STKIP Pasundan. Well Young generation, the country is waiting……..

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